Monday, January 19, 2009

Reading & Songs

I think it was yesterday that I was reading a book to Ben (Big Smile, Baby) - the one where you lift the flaps. Anyway, we finished the book and then he wanted to turn back through the pages. So, he stopped on a page and since 'baby' is one of the words in his reading DVDs I pointed to the word and said "What word is that?" to which he immediately answered "Baby!". =-O Coincidence? I donno.

Tonight we were reading one of the books that comes with the whole system. We again read through all the words, lifting them up to look at each picture that represents the word. Got done with that one and again, he wanted to flip back through. He stopped on a page and I said "What's that word?" and I could almost swear he said "Zip!" (and it WAS). I guess the reading thing is working (even though he doesn't pay attention to the DVDs all the time) so I'll of course keep doing what we're doing.

Lately I've been singing with Ben a lot. We do Itsy Bitsy Spider, London Bridge, Old MacDonald, BINGO, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (or as Benjamin calls it "Winkle Tar"). He now requests them and if I start to sing the wrong one he says "STOP Mommy, STOP!"

I also try to get him to participate. When I sing Old MacDonald I stop at "and on his farm he had some ______" at which point Benjamin always enthusiastically says "PIGS!" with a big smile. He's also learning "If You're Happy and You Know It" from the DVDs, and tonight while I was making dinner I peeked in the living room and saw that he was doing the "Hot Dog Dance" from Mickey Mouse.

They just get cuter and cuter every day!


  1. Your boys are so cute. Let me know how this dvd thing works. Do you think Audrey's too young to read?

  2. Thank you! I don't know if she's too young. You could try. Go to YouTube and search for "Your Baby Can Read". I think the youngest I saw was like 9 months or something where they could do the actions from the cards. I can't get Jack interested yet, but Ben is definitely learning.
