Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Updates

Today Emily was pushing Ben in his swing and counting as she pushed him. She said she made it to 8 and then had to cough, but Ben counted in her place "9.....10! Yaaaaay!" and started clapping.
Yesterday he pointed to 3 magnetic letters on the fridge in rapid succession and said "J, K, O" (all correct). Emily and I decided he has learned quite a bit, but doesn't perform on demand.

Yesterday when Rob and I got home from our "date", Ben was swinging and had a ball in his hand and very clearly said "Mom, look at this". I was impressed! I had never heard him use that phrase before. He is getting better with his speech every day.

I started him on Volume 1 of "Your Baby Can Read" because he seems to have lost interest in the starter video after not quite 1 week. I emailed the company to ask them if this is common in his age group and if it was okay to go ahead and start Volume 1 early, but I haven't heard anything back yet, so I decided if he watched any of the DVDs it would be better than him getting up off of the couch and turning the TV off as he has been with the starter DVD.

I also started Benjamin on Xocai healthy chocolate today. I'm hoping that after about a week of it I can take him off of the Miralax and start introducing the milk and other formerly "no no" foods very slowly and hopefully he will be okay with them. (Incidentally, I started myself on it today as well and gave some to Emily to try hoping it will help her knee).

I didn't give Jack any oatmeal this morning. It didn't seem to be making any difference except I felt like he was spitting up more. I'll wait another few weeks and try again. We switched from giving him 7 oz. of formula every 3 - 3 1/2 hours to giving him 6 oz. every 2-3 hours. Emily said he didn't do as many spit-ups today, so that's good. He is getting cuter and growing so much every day. Pretty soon he'll be sitting up on his own, then crawling! I can't believe he'll be 6 months old (already) on February 11th, and by this summer he will be walking!

Tomorrow we are going to a birthday party for an old friend of mine's son (Max) who is turning 4. I'll bet Ben has a great time - he loves other kids, especially older ones. I'll try to take pictures and post as soon as possible.

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