Friday, June 17, 2011


Jack has gone from only saying single words, to having full blown conversations. Here is his recap of the last few months:
  • If we forget to put socks on him at nap time or bed time we hear him get up and open his drawer and get some out then climb back in bed and put them on.
  • He likes to watch Polar Express or Wall-E (on a 1/2 hour timer) before going to sleep. We've had to stop doing that though because when the timer shuts off the TV he would get up and turn it back on and it was keeping him awake. We now have to unplug the TV.
  • He is now going to the bathroom 2 or 3 times per day on his own. We just have to watch him with the toilet paper. He likes to just throw pieces in the toilet.
  • He loves playing with his sand and water table (which has just got water in it). He will use all sorts of different containers and pour the water back and forth for hours.
  • He loves to read books and if I'm busy, he will get some out and look at them and tell the stories to himself. One of their favorites is "Snip Snap, What's That?" about an alligator.
  • He has often helped me with the laundry by gathering it up and taking it into the laundry room, putting it in and then turn the dial and push the "start" button! He will also help me wash windows, dust and pick up toys.
  • When he gets mad or frustrated he stomps around roaring like a lion and will say "I not Jackie, I LION!"
  • When I'm putting Emma in her car seat, he will grab my arm and hug it and say "I love you Mommy!"
  • He hates getting his hair washed in the tub. We have started going to the local pool, so the boys are both getting used to being in the water. Hopefully it won't be long until they are getting their hair and faces wet there.
  • Jack also likes Pinky Dinky Doo, Curious George, Avatar, and Francis (all from Netflix except Curious George).
  • When going over the alphabet flash cards, Jack saw the M and said "Mommy, see that? That for McDonalds!"
Funny saying from yesterday:
Jack: Hi Mommy! Pain in the butt!
Me: "Pain in the butt" is not a nice thing to say.
Jack: I pain in the butt, you pain in the butt, everybody pain in the butt!
Ben: Everybody is a pain in the butt. Except boys.


Riding a broom pretending it's a horse

You'll have to click on the image to see his expression better. He is sometimes not very happy when his little sister is too noisy and wakes him up.

The boys liked their new pool - but only to get water to put in their water table.

Everybody pile on Mommy!

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