Weight: 18.79 lbs (!!!!)
Height: 27.01 inches
Head Circumference: 17.8 inches
He is now in the 75 percentile. At his 2 week he was in the 25%, and at his 3 month he was in the 50%, so the Pediatrician was pleased. He is also proportional, so he is not in the 75% in weight, but only 50% in height, etc.
He is also now in Ben's 12 - 18 month clothes already! I don't think the hand-me-downs will work for long before I have to buy 2 sets of clothes for them. Ben wasn't 18 pounds until he was 8 months old. Jack already has him beat by 2 months.
Jack also has been sleeping great again. 2 nights this week he slept from 6:30 or 7pm until 5 or 6am without waking once and after breaking out of his swaddle - and no paci! What a great kid!
Here are a couple of pics of Jack - you can see how big he is getting. He's starting to be able to sit up by himself, although he's still pretty active and so will fall over.
(Pic 2) With Emily this week during our warm weather days (in an 18 month onesie and 12 month jeans).
Ben is getting just smarter and smarter. He is using complete sentences now and will say things like "Is it broken Mommy?" or "Do 'itsy spider' Mommy?" So cute! He is also watching Mary Poppins a lot now and seems to like the "Chim Chiminey" song and dance. Sometimes he will get up and start dancing and say "I'm dancin' Mommy. I'm dancin'." He has started identifying colors more lately too and the other day counted the buttons on Jack's shirt.
Our latest fun activity after Jack goes to bed at night is to build a "fort" by putting the couch cusions on the coffee table and resting the other end on the couch, then covering the ends with blankets. He can crawl under there and still see the TV from under the coffee table. So.. "Build fort Mommy?" is another new phrase.
Since the time change, Ben has been sleeping from 8pm to 6:30 or 7am, so that's much better for Mom and Dad!
Still no progress on the potty training thing. We keep asking him if he wants to use the "big potty" or "his potty" which I moved into his room thinking the privacy might help, but he just shakes his head and says "no".
Here are some recent pics of Ben:
Eating a grilled ham and cheese today.
Today is Emily's last day and our new Nanny, Naomi, starts on Monday. She just found out she is pregnant, so we'll be looking for a new Nanny again before we know it, but I'm looking forward to Naomi starting. I also found out that her middle name is Katherine (mine is Catherine with a C) and her birthday is November 2nd (mine is the 4th) so that's kinda neat. Her first doctor's appointment is on the 24th, so she'll find out the due date and all that jazz then. Everyone cross your fingers that she is one of the lucky ones who does not get any morning sickness at all. =-)
Sorry for the long delay between posts. It's been getting pretty busy around here!
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