Friday, November 19, 2010

A Day In The Life


This morning at 2:00 am, Emma started making the B sound. Or kind of a cross between the B and F.


In the car on the way to gymnastics, Emma sneezed and Jack said "Bess Yooooou". =-) Also a minute ago, Jack said "Chee Ben Ha" which was actually "I want cheese like Ben has". I am very impressed!


Today was the deciding factor in whether or not we would continue in gymnastics since he hadn't participated the last two times. He made me proud by participating with enthusiasm!

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday at Lowes while in the shopping cart, Jack pointed to the handle and asked what it said (by body language and saying "tat"), I told him "Thank You." So all the time after, he would swipe his finger over the letter (backwards) and say "t-hank u"
