Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fantastic Christmas

What a wonderful Christmas this year! We had a visit from Gigi and Grandpa the weekend before Christmas with a "Shertzer Christmas" on Monday complete with prime rib and opening gifts. They left Wednesday before the weather got bad and made it home safe.

We had a great Christmas Eve and day with the boys at home this year. Jack woke up at 5:00am Christmas morning, but Ben slept until 7:00am (surprisingly he didn't get into the wrapped gifts at all). All the toy picks were big hits and the boys have been very well behaved the past week.

Ben delighted us with his spontaneous version of "Oh Christmas Tree" on Christmas Eve (while he was admiring the tree). Lyrics: Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, Oh I love you, Christmas Tree. =-) The boys also enjoyed playing with Dad's train (pics below).

Aaaand... we had snow!

The Huber clan and families came over Christmas Day in the afternoon and we had cookies and Secret Santa gift exchange which was fun. Then we all dropped into bed exhausted but happy, ready to get up the next morning and drive to Little Rock to see the Maloney/Peresta families (with a short visit in there to see the Shertzers).

Ben and Jack had a great time playing with their new toys, and then we got to enjoy a baby shower for Emma and Rob's cousin Grant and wife Jessica's baby-to-be Owen. Emma is now taking over a small part of Jack's room with her new blankets, clothes and toys!

Not sure when the big move to put both boys in Ben's room will be. Jack has been waking up in the middle of the night and "playing" for about an hour or so. It will be interesting to see how it works having them both in one room. I am thinking I'll wait until February and see how they are doing then.

Ben has been singing up a storm and is really impressing us. He will sometimes even sing along to things on TV. I'm sure he knows more than he shows. The other day I asked him to pick a magnetic letter up off the floor and as he handed it to me and said "Here's the letter H. Here's the orange H." I can't get him to write letters yet though. He's more mechanically inclined and wants to be busy with his hands and activities.

Jack is getting smarter every day. The past two weeks he has started shaking his head no if he doesn't want something or in response to questions. He is also now playing "boo" spontaneously with us and Ben, and can say "ball", "hi", and "hot" (and "boo").

He can also sort of show us what he wants. If he's hungry, he'll go to the kitchen gate and shake it. If we let him in, he'll either go to the pantry where his Cheerios are (for a snack), or he'll go to the fridge which means he wants a meal. He has also been using a fork and spoon over the past few days (correctly)!

If we say "let's go change your diaper" he will head into his room, and if we say "wanna go outside?" he will go and get his coat and shoes.

He's just learned to climb up on things too, so we have to watch him. The other day I peeked into the living room and saw him standing on top of the coffee table. Yikes!

More updates and pics to follow! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and will have a safe New Year's Eve!

Christmas snow!

Ben loved the snow...

Jack did NOT love the snow...

Playing with the robot Ben got from Gigi and Grandpa Shertzer

Playing with Daddy's train on Christmas Eve after their bath

Jack woke up early Christmas morning and beat Ben to the new play kitchen

Baby Shower for Emma and Owen (Ben was taking a nap):

Rob, Manda, Jack, Jessica and Grant (and Emma and Owen)

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