Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The week in review

Finally we have power and internet/cable again!

The latest on the boys...

Ben's favorite phrase is now "You okay?" He also loves giving big hugs and saying "I you, Mommy" and "I you, Daddy" (I love you) - oh and kisses too. One day I even got my eyes and eyebrows and hair kissed. =-) He also loves jumping and doing somersaults (you have to help him though). The other day when it was warm I took him with me to the park to walk. He walked beside the stroller holding onto the side and saying "Faster Mommy, faster!"

Jack has been blowing raspberries lots and making all kinds of new sounds and squeals. He loves his walker and is able to move around in it, although it's probably all accidental. He is a fantastic sleeper too. He goes to bed between 5 and 6 and wakes up around 4am to eat, then back to sleep until 6ish. At this age, Ben was still waking every 2 hours or so.

Speaking of which, Ben does still wake up at night fairly often - like last night - up at 1am and 2am for no apparent reason other than to yell "Mommy!" and then go back to sleep after I went in there and tucked him back in.

I'm sure there is a lot more that I'm leaving out. Now that we have power and internet again I can post more often.

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