Just now I have been watching Jack press the music button on Ben's "Sit-n-Spin" and then dance around in a circle until he falls down giggling. Of course when I got up to get the video camera he stopped and came to investigate the camera instead. Oh well, it made my day to watch him anyway.
Jack has the other top 1st molar coming in. Still don't see the bottom ones poking through yet. His new thing to do is say "Moooo", or rather "MmmmmMMM". When I ask him "How does a cow go?" he will make the MMMmmm sound and then start to giggle.
Ben is sitting on the couch eating a huge green lollipop that he got while trick-or-treating. I promised him if he took a nap nicely without throwing a fit he could have a treat when he woke up. Guess what was the first thing he said when he woke up? "I get to have a treat!"
Last night Rob took me out for my 40th birthday. When we got home Dad said Ben had gone to bed at 6:00pm saying "If I go to sleep, when I wake up Mommy will be home." =-) His normal bed time is 8:00pm.
Here are a few pictures of the boys from Halloween: